Steps To Prevent Career Down Fall
As human being, we have tendency to grow in our life till we live. But many times in-spite of our best efforts we have to accept failures in our life in form of Job Firings, No Salary Hikes, No Promotions, No new growth opportunities in existing company and all these add lots of mental pressure on us and as QA this pressure not going to be less than any other profession on this earth.
In this post, Next Generation Automation will share with you signs that triggers warning for you that things not going right in your current job and it's time to look for other growth areas by changing your job or moving different team with in same company or break for some duration in IT. Decision varies from individual to individual but any decision must be taken fast to avoid any bigger negative impacts in long run.
Warnings signs that never be ignored while working in IT:
1. Your immediate boss avoids talking with you
2. Your team members take credit for your hard work and your boss says to you, you are not performing well compare to rest team members.
3. Work that offer to you does not have long term growth for you
4. Everyday coming to office make you feel sad
5. You get confused whether to continue in same project or not, in same company or not
6. You salary hikes not as per industry standards and compare to other team members
7. You unable to get hold of latest technology areas
8. New openings available out side your current job make you feel scare
9. You are only earning member of family and loss of your job may trigger significant financial crunch for you
10. Your current team members leave no chance to put you in silos whenever possible
11. No onsite travels available that can be en cashed
12. Your office location too far from your home and makes you look tired during work and helps your co workers to take advantage of this situation
13. Team avoid sharing any new information with you
14. You are not invited in all team meetings
15. Your name put in last while addressing mails from other team members including your boss
16. You see as non performer in eyes of other staff even after your best efforts on job
All above mentioned points never be ignored and sufficient planning needs to be done well in advance before you get victim of any negative situation in your life.
Here are strategies suggested by Next Generation Automation team that always let you in control of your situations
1. Meditate every day
2. Practice Yoga
3. Talk to people that make you feel motivated
4. Avoid talking people that trigger negativity for you
5. Spend more time with children if you have children at home
6. Get hold of new skills applicable in your field to make you stay relevant
7. Spend more time in reading e books applicable to your job
8. Follow experts in your area and read all their posts as you get time
9. Keep open eye for all new job openings
10. Apply only jobs that you are comfortable at, never apply for jobs just because you need the job
11. Enroll for new courses / training programs and use learning maximum in enhancing your resume.
12. Never fall in heated argument with any in office especially with your seniors and company HR.
13. Treat every one with respect even you know people who are not good with you during office hours.
14. Avoid much dependency on anyone for your work, if you find work that involves too much dependency on other person who is not good with you avoid taking that tasks on your name.
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