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The Art of Story Telling to chase best Job Offers

The Art of Story Telling plays very important role now a days as every employer need staff who is smart, energetic and full of confidence.

Showing all above mentioned traits can be made possible if Candidate knows the art of story telling and which can be master easily with some practice and home work.

Before we share more details about the art of story telling, lets first understand:

What People remember most during conversation?

People remember best those things that are stored in their minds as pictures. In fact, some brain research indicates that memories are stored as holograms. This means that if words pass from your mouth and do not create any images or emotions in the minds of employers, those words will literally pass through one ear and out the other – there will be no impact or long-term memory.

Consider what happens when a person is asked to describe herself. She may declare that she is hard working, energetic, a true leader, and a person who can successfully juggle multiple tasks. The problem here is that she is trying to sell too many things at once and doesn't do a good job with any of them. Because she doesn't back up any of the claims with examples, none of the points will be remembered after she leaves the interview.

Telling stories has become so important that an entire form of interviewing has been built around it known as behavior-based interviewing. In this rapidly growing style of interview, each question actually demands the sharing of a specific experience. Questions might include, "Give me an example of a time when you solved a difficult problem," or "Describe an experience where you had to deal with an angry customer." The interviewer will not allow you to go on to the next question until a specific example has been provided.

Stories Have Impact

Stories are important because they can say so much about you in a concentrated way. Ankur Chaudhry, the founder of Next Generation Automation who successfully runs Overseas placement model for QA Engineers shares an excellent example of how telling stories in an interview can make a difference.

While conducting an interview, Employer asked the candidate for an example that would demonstrate a strong commitment to completing tasks.

Here instead of stressing someone do 16 Hours job might be first choice which employer looks but there is more to this. Here Candidate need to explain how his 8 to 10 Hours Job Effort deliver returns worth 2 or 3 times more than any individual can generate. And this need to be supported with nice story providing key information along with required data.

Telling Stories Is Important To Interviewing Success

Today's interviewers are demanding examples and not just generalities. Behavior-based interviewing growing rapidly now a days all across globe.

A smart interviewee is prepared. Telling effective stories definitely requires practice. You must take time recalling many of your past experiences, particularly your accomplishments, before you enter the interview room. Without that previous recall, you will be unlikely to remember the experience during the tremendous pressure of an interview.

Not only should you tell stories when the question demands it, but you should look for opportunities to share examples because that is the best way to really impact employers. Effective story telling will yield more job offers.

How To Tell A Story

When telling stories, provide all of the key information. Describe the situation and the challenges you faced. Then describe your analysis and the recommendations you made. Next, describe what you implemented and the results you obtained. Complete the story by describing how your work benefited the organization. As you end the story, remind the interviewer of the skills you demonstrated.

Even though many questions do not invite stories, you need to be prepared so that when an opportunity to tell a story presents itself, you'll be ready with your best example. To tell effective stories:

+ Provide all of the key information

+ Describe the situation as you came into it – problems and challenges included

+ Describe your analysis and recommendations

+ Describe what you implemented and the results you obtained

+ Create vivid images

+ Provide interesting details, but keep the story concise

+ Make the story interesting


If QA Engineer claims he is good in automation, it need to be supported with required data like number of test scripts automated in past projects, major challenges solved while working automation enabled areas, what level of ROI your scripts have generate in your projects and so on

Last, Employers Will Remember You For Weeks if you are good in Story telling

Using anecdotes to describe job skills is a highly effective interview technique. In less than three minutes you can tell a powerful story that will cause interviewers to remember you favorably for weeks. Since employers know that the best predictor of future success is past success, tell stories which vividly describe your successes

Hope this article helps our registered members to chase Go Europe Model Job Openings more effectively.

Building better QA for tomorrow

1 Comment

Harry Kevin
Harry Kevin
Nov 04, 2024

Storytelling is insightful and emphasizes the power of crafting compelling narratives in any field. For students like me, balancing creativity with academic tasks is challenging, which is why assignment help experts can be invaluable in managing workloads effectively. Storytelling skills are crucial not only for creative projects but also for making assignments more engaging. This article has definitely inspired me to incorporate more storytelling into my work.

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